No more excuses!

No more excuses!

No More Excuses is a six-step transition plan created by Tyler, a young person with direct lived experience of the justice system. It is designed to provide young people in secure settings with the support, day-to-day skills and confidence that will help them successfully transition both back into the community and into adulthood.

The activities included focus on supporting young people to see their own potential, and work towards their future goals. It also gives staff members a better understanding of how to create positive and trusting relationships with young people they work with.

Click here to download No More Excuses

Click here to download an Additional Resources Pack, created to support professionals delivering No More Excuses.

Click here to download a poster of the key messages in No More Excuses

It is very important to Tyler that these resources are freely available and easily accessible to everyone working with young people in secure settings. So please do download, use and share these resources.

To help us track the programme’s impact, please get in touch by emailing rebecca@leaders-unlocked.org to let us know where you are using it, and to provide any feedback you have on the programme.

No More Excuses presents a real opportunity to support the transition of young people in a true co-produced and supportive way. The 6 steps provide a structured plan and way of working with the flexibility to tailor it to the needs of the individual. However the true power in No More Excuses is the fact that it is developed by Tyler, a young person and an expert within the Children and Young Peoples Secure Estate. Tyler has developed this with professionalism, empathy and learning from other young people. If there is one example of real co-production we should be championing, then No More Excuses is it.

Andrew Nichols-Clarke, Head of Health & Justice Children Programme, NHS England


Lived experience sits at the heart of No More Excuses.

It has been designed by a young person, for young people – its sole focus is to help better their lives, by giving them a smooth transition back into the community.

Tyler was inspired to create No More Excuses because throughout his life, he has seen family members transition in and out of prison, and back into the community. It never went smoothly. Often, it resulted in them returning to custody.

Also, since being in his current secure home, he has seen many young people transition in and out of the secure estate. Their transition plan (if there was one) was usually very unclear and rushed. So, having experienced and witnessed first-hand the importance of a positive transition, he saw the need for a smoother transition process for young people leaving the secure estate.

To achieve this, Tyler has drawn on his own experiences as a young person in a secure setting, using these to relate to other young people who’ve been through similar life experiences.

Tyler has also incorporated feedback received from young people and professionals working first hand in the secure estate to create a programme that is both suitable and adaptable for all young people transitioning back into the community from secure settings.

Tyler created this plan during his internship at Leaders Unlocked. He would like to thank Rose Dowling, Leaders Unlocked CEO, Andrew Nichols-Clarke at NHS England and everyone else who supported him throughout his journey.

“Although young people who go through the justice system are often written off, I am a proven example of how important young people with lived experience are. Please, give young people like myself a second chance because everyone has potential – they just need someone to believe in them as much as some professionals have believed in me and my project.” Tyler, creator of No More Excuses

Get involved

If you’re interested in getting involved with the work we do at Leaders Unlocked, please do send us a message via our contact us page. We are always keen to hear from young people who may want to take part in our projects, as well as professionals who may want to collaborate.

More than 65% of our
staff came from Leaders Unlocked projects

"It’s not very often that organisations who are able to actually let smaller communities and towns outside of London have the opportunity to actually say ‘this is what we want and this is what we want changed’."


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